Interior Design
The Year of the Interior
2020, it is safe to say, is the year of the interior. For the first time, more people are intensely experiencing and contemplating the ways we live than ever before, and for students of Interior Design profound and urgent questions have already arisen from this crisis.
Even before the dust has settled, we are acutely aware of a future that is hard to predict – what will leisure, travel, work, social contact, shopping, dining, celebrating, grieving, praying and exercising look like? How will systems and spaces change? What will become of places?
We can look back to the critical speculations that emerged from design projects in various other historic situations (moon landings, modernisation, the threat of atomic war) and begin to write manifestos befitting our own time from the perspectives of our expertise.
Visions for all sorts of alternate inhabitations had already taken shape in the outcomes of our graduating projects: how can we build joyful spaces for more resilient and integrated communities? What happens to our residential environments if inundated by rising sea levels? What material interventions might be required of a nightclub in the times of social distancing? It seems we enter the new world prepared to meet some of its challenges.
We congratulate the graduating cohort on their thoughtful projects, their hard work, focus and collegiality despite a challenging conclusion to the 2019/2020 academic year. We commiserate with you on the difficult end and what might have been, but we also eagerly await the insights and innovations that will emerge going forward.
Nadia Wagner, Lecturer, Interior Design