This is a series of materials made from waste.
Gas, oil, consumerism, electricity, transportation and every other form of human activity, contributes to our carbon footprint. I asked myself, what if I could make my own spoon? Knowing that waste is a great carbon footprint contributor, I wanted to explore how household waste could be reused and made into something new, to kick-start the project. What if I made my own spoon using banana peels? That would mean I do not have to buy a new spoon - I do not contribute to consumerism and energy to produce a new spoon, and I get to reduce and reuse my waste, promoting a circular economy.
1. Milk + Vinegar
2. New-paper (made from waste paper)
3. New-clay (made from waste paper)
4. New-clay
5. Alternative Banana Peel Material
6. ABPM lamp shade
7. New-paper + ABPM
8. Slab of ABPM
9. New-paper
10. Weaving ABPM
11. New-paper + ABPM
12. Weaving ABPM with mesh