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ERINN SAVAGE – Performance
Tomorrow 15:00 GMT

Humanity Washed Ashore.

A civilisation forced to abandon their home by the government and to seek asylum elsewhere. Hundreds of Rohingya refugees who are attempting to escape desperate conditions in their hometown remain stuck at sea. Even in these desperate times, the refugees' entry is being denied in countries. While some refugees are able to make it onto land, unfortunately, many wash ashore. 'Sarnar' is a typeface designed around the idea of micro-expressionism around the eye area. It is a typeface that translates human expressions into a semiotic. The semiotics are constructed and layered to compound meaning, just as how we learn to read expressions and emotions. The typeface, 'Sarnar', is designed to raise awareness of the plight and sufferings of the refugees stuck in the sea. Emotion is an innate human language. Governments tend to lack empathy in favour of economic and political gain. This seemingly abstract typeface is designed to elicit emotional response & encourage emotional decoding to understand the conditions these refugees are going through, in hopes of stirring up empathy from people.

Humanity Washed Ashore.


Humanity Washed Ashore.

Artefact of communication.

Humanity Washed Ashore.

Artefact of communication.

Humanity Washed Ashore.


Plastic's Not Cheap.

Everyone knows that plastic bags are choking our planet. However, here in Singapore, many still expect supermarkets to provide plastic bags for the convenience of transporting home the goods. As plastic bags are free in supermarkets, many fail to see the consequence of plastic pollution. To persuade Singaporeans to change their behaviour, we have got to make the audience reconsider the value of free plastic bags and the cost it has on the future. 'Plastic is not cheap. It costs our future' is a campaign designed towards adults with kids. The campaign consists of a series of posters to raise awareness of the danger and consequences of using plastic excessively. It uses the play of famous and catchy nursery rhymes for the basis of the headlines. The poster art direction design encapsulates the consequences to the future generation if we continue the habit of using excessive plastic bags. The poster forces the audience to question what their price in the future is, and forces the agency back to them. The placement of the posters will be at areas where families usually hang out - bus stops near schools, playground, beach and parks.

Plastic's Not Cheap.

Plastic's Not Cheap.


Gaslight is to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their sanity. With the majority of the world’s population already on social media, many of us may be unknowing victims of gaslight. Society invents a spuriously complex logic to change people whose conduct is beyond their mainstream. With the continued rise of using social media, many of us are naive into being conformed into adopting the socially acceptable form of opinions and thoughts. This magazine encourages the audience to form their morals. Always to be aware of the information received and to equip themselves with knowledge of being gaslighted into society’s norm. The magazine takes the audience on the journey of being gaslighted. It starts with the article on lying is a huge mistake, and honesty is the best policy. It then proceeds to the middle, where it suggests that maybe being truthful all the time is not healthy. The magazine ends with a suggestion that lying is okay and it encourages creativity in doing so.