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Future Experiences - Mutua

Mutua is a subsidiary of the United Nations in response to Goal 17 which involves the revitalisation of partnerships between the Global North and the Global South. The objective of the design intervention is to create Technology Ambassador roles around the world to provide guidance to companies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), educating them on how to sustainably and empathetically implement new technology.

Mutua - Technology Ambassadors

The project aims to promote a more fluid exchange of technological knowledge, not only from the people and companies implementing the technology, but also from those living in the Global South. These people may be able to guide the Global North on how to effectively up-cycle and repurpose technology that might otherwise be deemed obsolete.

Mutua - The Mobility of Future Communication

After working in a group to create a model for the sustainable mobility of communication we envisioned for 2030 we individually set about creating our own proposals. I continued with the proposition of having digital gatekeeping roles put in place to assess the flow of digital information between a range of stakeholders. I wanted to pursue this idea further to explore how new technology could be sustainably realised in places that wouldn’t otherwise have access or resources to enable it.

Mutua - Exchange of Knowledge

In effect Mutua would act as a platform for creating positive, ethical and environmentally friendly change within the domain of both global and local technology use. Through a network of trained Technology Ambassadors, accessible for hire by large organisations, exists the possibility to provide meaningful technological solutions to communities who in turn may share their insights and geographical-specific knowledge to these companies.

Self-Initiated - Scentimental

Dementia is the 5th biggest killer in the world and alongside old age is the only killer with no form of treatment or cure. Scentimental is a human-centred brand that accompanies an individual through their experience of living with dementia and aims to comfort them, improve their quality of life and reduce the onus on carers and family members to look after them in the later stages.

Scentimental - Exercising the Mind

As a brand orientated towards both improving the quality of life and slowing down the onset of the degenerative disease Scentimental aims to utilise the sense of smell to allow individuals to engage better with their memories. Scentimental is divided into three layers of user engagement, designed not only to aid the individual, but to provide them with an independence that benefits their mental and physical wellbeing as well as that of their carers and family members.

Scentimental - Portfolio of Scent

After being diagnosed with dementia a doctor would introduce Scentimental to the individual and their family members, inviting them to attend a session at their local Scent Lab. Here the family would learn about the disease and tackle the surrounding stigma before working with a scent expert to create a ‘Portfolio of Scent’ based on the individual’s memories and life experiences.

Scentimental - The Olfactory System

To educate myself on the olfactory system I visited a scent library where I discovered how combinations of different molecules can replicate smells that we associate with specific memories (e.g. the smell of suncream reminding you of a particular holiday). ‘Scent is very subjective and very personal, there isn’t really that universal language where one scent means the same for everyone. How we interpret scent is based on our cultural and life experiences… in terms of using scent as a cue to trigger memories the scent will have to have been created with that individual’s life experience in mind.’ (Clara Weale, The Library of Olfactive Material, Glasgow)

Scentimental - Diffuser Iterations, Jesmonite

In the later stage of the disease when symptoms have worsened Scentimental will create individualised diffusers and essential oils based on the information generated at the Scent Lab. These diffusers can be placed around the home and used to both trigger happy memories and as prompts to help the individual navigate their home or the activities of daily living. The diffusers are made from lava rock which is recognised for its healing properties and grounding, calming qualities. As a porous rock it’s a good material for holding and diffusing oils, slowly releasing their fragrances over a long period of time.

Scentimental - The Treatment of Tomorrow

Scentimental at this point fades into the background and the family is left with a method for helping the individual continue to live their life to the fullest in the comfort of their own home. As people progressively live longer I believe it is vital for me as a designer to create experiences such as Scentimental that challenge the conventional norms of dementia care and work alongside scientists and healthcare services in a cross-disciplinary effort to provide the treatment of tomorrow.