Co-living cell archetypal: two cell types
This project focuses on the relationship between domesticity and labour in the contemporary society. Throughout rising of population in cities, sometimes it is hard to feel a sense of belonging and often feel lonely. Urban loneliness is connected to population mobility, declining community participation and a growth in single-occupant households. After a burnout day it is important to separate work from home, or spaces that can evoke that. Feeling of isolation is connected with high rates of people living alone. I will be studying precedents such as wellness centres and healing environments that architecturally promotes mental health and conclude by incorporating it in the co-living housing typology proposal.
Transitioning from work to home: social space
Decreased attention on personal spaces in living typology and lack on social interaction between others in the community, this contemporary ideology of architecture condition can have physical and mental effects on the individual. An unconnected society. Creating generous spaces for social bonding is the attention necessary in co-living typology and improve mental health.
Transitioning from work to home: cleanse
Architecture is used to create a route where step by step the user travels through the building is being cleansed physically and mentally from work and transitioning into domesticity. It is shown in the clear cohesion of spaces that are to function as physical cleanse or evoke the feeling of mental cleanse.
Spacial distinction section
A design that has additional opportunities to encourage users to lower their stress levels, internal and external qualities of a building that could result in having a positive effect on the user’s wellbeing and applying that in a city context. A sanctuary within the chaotic city life. An oasis.
From Urban to Oasis
Decreased attention on personal spaces in living typology and lack on social interaction between others in the community, this contemporary ideology of architecture condition can have physical and mental effects on the individual. An unconnected society. The design reevaluates the sense of community through a public pathway above ground that connects all buildings within the site. It allows for social bonding in the neighbourhood that feels safe. A place that can relieve the feeling of disorientation in the busy city, sense control when you are able to see everything in a new perspective. The contrast between urban and oasis, seeing buildings looking up in the city, but in the design being able to see them looking down.