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ERINN SAVAGE – Performance
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Creative Network

Alex Cheung

Alex Cheung is the Chairperson of the Blythswood and Broomielaw Community Council, which is responsible for ascertaining, co-ordinating and expressing the views of the residents and community within its agreed boundaries.

Blythswood and Broomielaw Community Council strives to enrich the lives of its residents by offering a platform to raise and discuss any social, environmental and developmental concerns the residents may have about the area that they live in.

The community council is fairly new, having been established a couple of years ago, and currently has 6 elected community members. The members of the board come from different backgrounds, reflecting a diverse and inclusive community council. The community council is always keen to welcome new members with fresh ideas.

Some of the issues that it has previously dealt with include anti-social behaviour, late night disturbances, licensing and late night operating venues, infrastructure developments in the city, and environmental concerns. The community council is proud to have representation from Glasgow City police and Glasgow City councillors at its meetings.

For his selection, Alex has chosen the works of Architecture Programme Stage 4 student Annie Higham.