Rewiring Brown Nosers Everywhere
Brown-nosing. A common sight in working culture. The term originated from early 20th century, from an association of subservience with having one’s nose in the anus of a more powerful person. Creating a virus to deter brown-nosers from the flattery phenomenonwould benefit the workplace, employees and eventually, the world. But what would actually deter brown-nosers from what they do best? A series of uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms would suffice to help brown-nosers kick the habit. Drawing inspiration from its roots, I decided to invent a virus based off a literal translation of the term’s origin . Xianophoic Suayalitis Virus, or Xia Suay, is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system - mainly nose, throat and lungs, causing fecal matter to form on the inner walls of the windpipe and mouth. For most, it resolves on its own, provided the patients, for a period of 5 working days, avoid any form of brown nosing however, it comes with an increased tendency to insult work superiors. The treatment for the virus is Brown’s Kit for Brown Nosers. A specially formulated office wellness kit used to treat the Xia Suay Virus, found in brown nosers. The kit consists of a set of antibiotics, medicated tissues, dental care set, aromatherapy and notepads specially designed to help brown nosers fight the nasty symptoms of the virus.