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ERINN SAVAGE – Performance
Tomorrow 15:00 GMT

Hypothetical narratives of living structures.Weaving Factory.

Weaving factory and urban garden on the edge This intervention is standing on the edge of the city. It is larger in scale than the previous two. The area is famous for crafts and hand made products. This intervention filled the understudied, complex, odd site. Weaving factory and urban garden facilitates the space for communal use of this craft neighbourhood and regenerate the area in a humble way. A small step of suggestive improvement with collective and participatory manner may lead to larger changes.

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Bicycle repair station.

This structure is built from a collection of observed components around Kyoto. Its is almost the exaggerated performative interpritation of Kyoto rich urban patterns. It represents the clash of tradition and contemporary in ad hoc and bricolage manner. Function inhabits this structure in a process, also its size is never defined, it can grow, develop. There is an initial part provided by the architect/professional, but the rest is easily attached and developed by the community, users.

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Bicycle repair station.

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Community Garden and Bee-keeping roof station.

Garden between sento public house and parking This intervention inhabited a shallow and underused site of contradictive situation. Such situations are often seen in Kyoto. The function of this intervention is urban garden and beekeeping stations on the rooftops. Again the structure comes from observed components and primarily recycled materials.

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Kyoto context from memories

Ad hoc and bricolge context. Traditional and contemporary clashes.

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Bicycle repair station.

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Experimental Laundrymat been done from dissembled components

This test has been done solely from disassembled ad hoc structure

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