A final render/visual showcasing the tim-ber frame market hall in the backdrop of the park.
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market hall visuals
Visuals/renders highlighting the market hall in context with the landscape and the feel & look within it.
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Maps and plans showing the location of my thesis project.
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new den dam masterplan
A drawing presenting my new master-plan for the Den Dam area of Antwerp
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abstract mapping collage
a Piet Mondrian inspired collage high-lighting the connections and infrastruc-ture happening all around Den Dam ar-ea.
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A visual diagram showing the obstales that the site has to address.
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status quo – the issue
Diagram displaying the current circumstances in the area and highlighting the ambition of my thesis for the neighbourhood.
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masterplan strategy
An outline strategy for Den Dam.
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testing | models | experimentation
A series of various masterplans for the area tested in model form.
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Further visuals highlighting the various buildings and parklands within my thesis design.
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The aspiration of this thesis is to create a connection between Den Dam and the rest of Antwerp thus making this community feel included and not excluded. Not only creating a connection within the local area/district, will reduce the sense of isolation for the people.
The role of the architecture is to create a relationship with the land (market space) and the water (the dock) and examine whether if it is possible to utilise this resource to help generate the produce for this community led and ran market space, thus making it more sustainable for all the factors involved, whilst also reducing the reliance on the citiy’s mains water structure which can be utilised elsewhere within the system.
The scope of this design thesis will be able to benefit the community by connecting them with one another through the creation of this market and urban farm; therefore creating a desire for the public to visit therefore re-establishing a connection to this area and community with the city and re-purposing this once vibrant area, which bands together the community.
It is a place where cultures clash, which can be a valuable resource to act as a seed to foster a vibrant society. In conjunction with the artist could create a cultural hub and space for the north of Antwerp thus connecting to the rest of Antwerp and feel included and not excluded.
Through connecting the community together via a food market/hall which will be community lead and ran providing the people with jobs and therfore a source of income and the ability to share their culinary knowledge between themselves and the rest of Antwerp, thus benefiting all the people, the workers, the businesses and organisations within this community, hence connecting the people together and sharing this gift with Antwerp bring this community closer together with the city.