Multigenerational Growth
The Single Demographic City Though the city centre is often rich in cultural diversity, it often lacks such richness in terms of age demographic. The continuous movement of families and the elderly to the suburbs has left a shallow demographic dominated by students and young professionals. In the current Urban planning process, it is clear that there is a major lack of consideration for such groups, forcing them to move out with the centre in order to fulfil their housing needs. Urban Village: A Community Model By applying village typologies to the merchant city, it is hoped that the demographic and richness of village community can be manifested on the site. Through the integration of fundamental community spaces it is hoped that the site will act a whole and inclusive community which scales down the current city into a more tangible environment. People, Experience, Learn, Grow The following project focuses on providing multi-generational homes for vulnerable individuals, pushing for a close knit relationship between families, the elderly and young singles. By redefining the classic model of “your home and your two neighbours” it helps to establish those close knit relationships that would naturally develop over time in a suburban environment, in an urban environment . Not only does the project aim to tackle current financial issue’s faced by individuals when trying to buy property in the city, the Cell model provides a family dynamic which aims to support a shared domestic labour. In the project, daily tasks are deigned to be split amongst inhabitants, forcing strong relationships to be formed. Where the young individual can cook meals for the elderly in return for wisdom, the elderly may babysit while the parents are at work in return for help with daily tasks and parents can provide useful life skills for young individuals, helping them on their way in life. Not only does this alleviate rising loneliness but provides an environment where individuals can live, teach, learn and grow as individuals together.