a collection of watchings, not far from the tree’
A collection of work from the simulated exhibition - a result of no degree show. This work consists of a dreamlike sequence, following the movement and migration of birds to light and freedom. The thinking comes from deep subconscious exploration which happens as we sleep. Satellites that roam the Earth’s orbit, pick apart our lives image by image but the thought of constantly being watched does not keep us up at night. To be free from watchings, but to be a watcher myself…the contradiction keeps me up at night.
Hand-Held Flight’
Plaster cast hand. Wire and gum strip bird model. 2020.
Price: £Available on request.
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The Practice of Watching’
Using small technologies to relate our experience beyond normal conventions. Being watched and being aware - how does the viewer respond? Captivated by our own digital reflection, yet we seek relief from digitisation. Consumed by the constant pressure of technology and our need to compete for speed, when we are confronted by our inclusion in this habit, we slow down. Nature of the human condition, evolution through the digital age. [The camera was to be hung in a model bird, flying above the degree show space, viewers being watched as they enter the room. Yet to be realised.]
Printed publication. 2020.
Price: £Available on request.
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Not Me’
Chalk on blackboard. 2020.
Price: £Available on request.
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Drawings on cartridge paper. 2020.
Price: £Available on request.
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Bird’s Chirp’
Billions of years ago, two black holes collided. Each thirty times the mass of our sun, and releasing fifty times more energy than all the stars in the universe, in a fraction of a second, two black holes were overcome by colossal gravitational pull, forcing collision. Releasing gravitation waves that raced across the Universe for billions of years, we recorded their frequency. The sound was small and quiet, but distinct. It sounded as though a bird had chirped. Is this a message from the Universe? Hand embroidery. 2019.
Price: £Available on request.
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Chalk drawings on pavement. Amsterdam. 2019.
Price: £Available on request.
This item is for sale, please contact for more information.
a collection of watchings, not far from the tree’
An adapted degree show proposal for the simulated exhibition. Work produced during quarantine, without a studio, in my flat.
degree show proposal'
Degree show proposal, yet to be realised.