post_fossil_toolkit informational poster
Generation_tools harvest, produce and store sustainable energy on-site, energy is stored in the base_unit of each generation_tool and fed out to the required output point in the community space. Data from the base_unit is received and processed by the post_fossil_network. Position, kWh counter and Unit type are uploaded to the post_fossil_network_map. Users access cyber network to share, learn and develop post_fossil solutions as well as building a wider post_fossil community.
solar_uints and wind_units in urban context
Multiple different generation_tools can be implemented on one site. By analysing specific sites using the online location analysis tools, accessible via the post_fossil_network, an optimised tool_kit selection can be made. Tools can then be manufactured, utilising local manufacturers and workshops where possible, and distributed to end users. Once on-site the distribution team help install base_units. The users are then left to construct and monitor their post_fossil_tools.
post_fossil_tools in urban community space context
Inconsistency of environmental conditions across both time and location means that an effective, and democratic solution must be flexible and adaptable to specific locations. The post_fossil _toolkit promotes independence from expensive, time and energy consuming rigid infrastructure: Infrastructure without the economic and carbon cost. Generation_units feed electricity into the community space allowing it to function without necessarily engaging in the current fossil_based, capital driven energy systems.
base_unit detailing
The base_unit acts as the fundamental building block, on top of which the required generation_tools are constructed. Each base unit contains a sub-system of internal components: live Current monitoring and transmission hub, combiner box, charge controller, tesla power wall rechargeable storage unit, signal convertor, and an standard output point.
base_unit exploded view animation
In order to work within the post_fossil_production_labs theoretical framework, democratic design should be implemented at every stage of the production and usage process. This means deconstruct-ability and modularity have been used to define the design of the units. Where possible standard fixings are used to fasten the components together, allowing the product to be fully disassembled into its constituent parts for ease of maintenance and recyclability.
solar_unit detailing
Solar glass panels are used along with panel connectors to form a modular solar_structure. Each connector creates a 40 degree change in orientation from one panel to the next, allowing the solar_unit to be constructed to form a vast number of different geometries. Allowing the user to optimise solar efficiency according to location and season. Soft microbial fuel cell pots harness micro-bacterial metabolic life-cycles to generate power which is directed through the solar_structure and into the base unit for storage.
wind_unit detailing
Currently under development, vortex bladeless technology occupies the cutting edge of experimental wind turbine design. By applying this technology in the post_fossil context, users will be able to harness the low level wind almost always present in the urban environment. Through localising production_technologies, such as wind turbines which are traditionally located far away from the urban environment, the means of production can be brought in almost direct contact with its produce. This in turn acts to reduce the alienated state of the user when engaging with the system.
In order to create a fully_transparent_production chain material sources can be mapped. The same can be done for where the material is processed and where it ends up. By logging the location of material sources as well as manufacturing locations, an accurate CO2 embodied energy calculation can be made for each product. Transportation routes can be easily traced and therefore transport emissions easily calculated. As well as Gps location data, each base_unit will transmit how much power is being generated at each location. This will be processed, mapped and logged through the online network branch of the post_fossil_toolkit: the post_fossil_gateway, accessible via . By analysing this data, users will be able to optimise their tools across the city. In this way the wider post_fossil_system mimics micro-bacterial metabolic life-cycles and the city is transformed into a self sustaining macro-organism, powered from within itself, continuously evolving and adapting to environmental conditions.