The COVID-19 situation is a crisis and challenge effecting the whole of us. Trough this pandemic creatives had to find new ways of making, marketing and distributing products. These have to provide safety and purpose. Isabell put her own gtraduation collection on hold to help make medical scrubs during the lockdown period. This also led to exploring smaller projects like these commuter bags to provide a product with a deeper meaning and function. Sustainablitly is a key element in Isabells designs. The prototype bags were made out of left over calico, retiered yoga matt, retiered tent fabric and secondhand zips.
Fashion Collection: Sherpa and the Altidude
Looking at my previous research from a new angle led to a curiosity for the Sherpas in the Himalayas. I want to explore the impact of the commercialization of Mount Everest on the Sherpas, their families and their environment. Mass excursions force the mountain to drown in garbage and their locals to suffer from the impact on their water and ecosystem. But in the same moment there’s the need for heavy tourism to keep their economy going. These conditions put extra danger and responsibilities on the Sherpas. I want to express how a change in clothing and functional outerwear provides the Sherpas with more protection, but conversely increases accessibility to inexperienced or amateur mountaineers with life-saving clothing/ gear. This in turn feeds into the commercialization of high-altitude mountaineering. (Altidude aka. privileged adventure tourist driven by his amateur financial impetus to be one of the best mountaineers in a once in a life time excursion.)