Principles of nature have been followed throughout the design process. Situated in the university campus, the thesis proposal uses the design of an Innovation Research Centre for Biomimicry to provide opportunity for the following:
To create more opportunities for biomimetic design which accommodates a cross-culture of disciplines which all take inspiration from the natural world to solve contemporary problems.
To bring nature back into the city and increase biodiversity.
To create soft touch and sympathetic architecture.
To explore natural and organic forms in the design.
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Green Space Analysis
With 15m² of public greenery per inhabitant and only 14% of the ground surface being soft urban landscape, Antwerp’s medieval centre has the lowest percentage of green area.
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Urban Strategy
The proposed Innovation Centre for biomimicry is connected with The Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp located at the zoo and botanic garden. Green corridors have been introduced for nature highways, linking up existing green areas in the city.
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Site Analysis
Study of existing species found on site and target species to be reintroduced.
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Key plans
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Cross Section
From left to right, the section describes the two storey accommodation block, three storey research and design facility, shared atrium café, below ground lecture theatre, prototyping hall and workshop facility.
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View through the building
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Workshop and prototyping space
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Close up elevation and section
Notwithstanding the decision to design out artificial strategies through material specification, structural design, environmental design and services, the buildings naturalness becomes most apparent in the greening of the external envelope.
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Axonometric of design proposal
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As an advocate for the natural environment and the conservation of wildlife, Gabrielle Buckley takes the premise that an empathy and understanding of nature should be at the root of good design.
At this moment in the shared global environmental crisis, she believes that every architect has a responsibility to do their utmost to change the current mindset from focusing solely the ‘built environment’ to the ‘environment’. This will enable the creation of places which harmonise both the urban and natural realms.
This years final design thesis titled “Act Natural: can mankind live harmoniously with nature for a healthy functioning ecosystem and planet through the medium of architecture?” explores ways to integrate urban development in nature sensitive and environmentally conscious manner.
With an awareness and interest for the endless possibilities and opportunities created by the cross collaboration of design disciplines and the allied arts, along with the belief that nature has the potential to be the greatest model that mankind can emulate to create a better world, initial research started with biomimicry which informed the building type and program.
This naturally led to further research into low key solutions and a design that retained and enhanced the integrity of the site through a ‘light touch’ approach to form and materials.
Principles of nature have been followed throughout the design process. Situated in the university campus, the thesis proposal uses the design of an Innovation Research Centre for Biomimicry to provide opportunity for the following:
To create more opportunities for biomimetic design which accommodates a cross-culture of disciplines which all take inspiration from the natural world to solve contemporary problems.
To bring nature back into the city and increase biodiversity.
To create soft touch and sympathetic architecture.
To explore natural and organic forms in the design.
With 15m² of public greenery per inhabitant and only 14% of the ground surface being soft urban landscape, Antwerp’s medieval centre has the lowest percentage of green area.
The proposed Innovation Centre for biomimicry is connected with The Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp located at the zoo and botanic garden. Green corridors have been introduced for nature highways, linking up existing green areas in the city.
From left to right, the section describes the two storey accommodation block, three storey research and design facility, shared atrium café, below ground lecture theatre, prototyping hall and workshop facility.
Notwithstanding the decision to design out artificial strategies through material specification, structural design, environmental design and services, the buildings naturalness becomes most apparent in the greening of the external envelope.