Plasticine Fernando Botero
plasticine on board, 30cm x 24cm-For this image, I made an interpretation of a still life painted by Fernando Botero. According to him, his chunky, voluptuous characters avoid being fat, instead “they're exaltation of form and volume” that I see as clearly relating to more classical ways of painting, particularly Picassos 1920's beach period that I love. Apparently, his real inspirations come from the Renaissance era and in his early career especially, he was very fond of Piero Della Francesca too. I thought it fitting to use one of his images “Still Life 1998” since its physical tangibility is similar to the nature of his work which relies so much on volume and weight of form. I asked myself, how can I justify making a version of the artist’s work? Botero made re- appropriated images of Renaissance art, so I make re-appropriated images of his.