Tall Stories
Animation, 50 seconds long
Two separate stories, developed from my memories, playing simultaneously. Both stories are difficult to believe, exaggerated. The young girl climbing the tree is me and my experience when I was a child, and the man climbing the tower is a glass player I briefly saw in the streets of Venice. Each thing that plays a role in these stories are taken from different fragments of my memories, for example, the tower; I saw it whilst walking home one day, and was intrigued to what it was used for. I knew it was some kind of observation tower for someone to climb up, however I could not see anything surrounding it that needed to be watched over, nothing urgent like sinking ships or flood warnings. There was a gap to fill; what happens when the person reaches the top of this tower, what is the purpose of them being there? This is when my brain started imagining lots of different possible scenarios, many of the peculiar.