Tourmaline Box
This silver and titanium box is inspired by the hexagonal prism crystal forms in the gemstone tourmaline. This box is hand-fabricated and is completely unique to reflect how no two gemstones are the same.
Price: £1,200
This item is for sale, please contact for more information.
Gemstone Sketches
This is a page from my sketchbook, showing drawings of the different types of crystal shapes from primary and secondary research. From left to right: (1st row) quartz, pyrite, copper, (2nd row) diamond, quartz, halite.
Blue John Stone Sketchbook
Blue John Stone is a variety of fluorite found in Derbyshire, UK. As part of my research, I visited the Treak Cliff Cavern, where Blue John Stone can be found in situé. This collage from my sketchbook shows how I started to build up shapes into my work, by painting out block shapes on top of my photographs.
Metal Samples
This shows how my samples in silver, niobium and titanium began to develop into finished pieces.
Detail of Silver Brooch
This is a detailed view of the crystal forms and sparkling rock texture I create in silver using the ancient technique of chasing and repoussé. The hexagonal prism shapes can be seen in minerals such as emerald and tourmaline.
Emerald Brooch
This silver and niobium brooch is inspired by the hexagonal prism crystal forms in the gemstone emerald (a variety of the mineral beryl). This brooch is hand-fabricated using the ancient technique of chasing and repousse. The blue hexagon is made from a unusual metal- niobium- and has been anodised to blue to create a pop of colour.
Rutilated Quartz Ring
This silver ring is inspired by the straw-like inclusions in the gemstone rutilated quartz. This piece is soldered by hand and is completely unique to reflect how no two gemstones are the same.
Price: £400
This item is for sale, please contact for more information.
Rutile and Crystal Necklace
This design is a combination of my finished pieces and samples and will be made in silver, featuring blue niobium crystal facets. It incorporates the two different styles of crystal growth into one: needle-shaped crystals and larger faceted crystals.
Blue John Stone Candlestick
This design is inspired by Blue John Stone and is a collage of a copper sample, textured silver and titanium samples, and a design for a candlestick made in Adobe Illustrator. This design will be made in silver and titanium.
Emerging Gemstone Candlestick
This design is a variation on the Blue John Stone Candlestick and is a CAD render. It will be made in silver, niobium and gold using the ancient technique of chasing and repoussé.